Friday, March 23, 2012

A week of work in the studio

So many pieces to share, in progress, just starting, finishing...

Finished up this still life sample for my painting class

Finished up the yellow tree, started a new tree...

It's hot pink and gold at one time (perfect for a late 60's porcelain and gold wallpaper!)

But it didn't stay pink - lots of layers to go! Eventually it will be...well, come back and see!

Lovely sketch from Wednesday night's model - this is a sanguine pastel pencil I believe

And a quick oil painting of her back - over two other paintings, which worked with and against me :)

Me working...working...working...

Friends working working working from the model today...

Three hour oil painting from our model today.

Now I know why my shoulder is very, very sore...lots of painting this week :)


Anonymous said...

Beautiful work, all of it!

Vanessa said...

I just love viewing your studio posts. The work is gorgeous! Do you find working from models to be better than working from photograph?

Krystyna81 said...

Vanessa...I think both working from the live model and from photographs have benefits. For my more detailed work, photographs are so important. But I love the freshness and immediacy of painting and drawing from the live model. I am very lucky to get to do both :)