My biggest decision is whether or not to cut off the top row (it is on watercolor paper mounted to foam core, so it would be easy to cut on my mat cutter)
I think it works better as a square format. The top row is too disconnected, and I also think the figure facing the viewer changes the feel of the piece - the views from behind seem to be working better.
Anyway, I think it's inevitable...off with her head!
And this may be why I'm focusing on orange and blue lately - look at the beautiful leaves against the clear blue sky!
I did this forest painting a few years back that was also inspired by this time of year - very similar pallette.
PS - don't forget - all purchases in my Etsy shop come with a FREE PRINT of your choice!
Hello. Really love your paintings and drawings...beautiful colours.
Lorna X
Hehe I think you're right, ORF WITH HER HEAD!
your art is spectacular. I'd like to do a blog swap with you if you're interested. you can view galleries of my art here...
do you have a "follow this blog" section set up?
emerald...that's liberating to say, isn't it???
bridget and lorna...thanks for the compliments!
Best wishes with your decision making my fine fellow scorpio! :)
I have to agree, the composition works better in a square for me. Sometimes my favorite pieces I've created were cropped down from a larger original.
Did you cut off her head?
I love the blues and oranges of autumn. I can see why you are painting them.
maryeb - yes id did! i will post it again after a few finishing touches.
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