So then I went back to my first drawing, hoping that with the fresh perspective I could solve it...no. Still didn't work.
Realizing that I just didn't have the brain power to fix the first drawing, I grabbed another sheet of paper and my nupastels and sat on the floor to draw looking up. Much better. I still have to define a few moments on the face, soften the (too similar) breasts, and maybe add a bit of color to the background.
Bottom line...don't beat your head on the easel - if a piece isn't working, don't waste precious time with the model. Always bring a few extra surfaces, and start something new.
Another great little piece of advice. Sometimes I get so hard on myself when something doesn't work out the way I want it to and I feel so bad for neglecting it, unfinished, but I think sometimes it really is ok. Not everything is going to be a success.
SO true, Mel...sometime I want to push myself to solve the problem, to make a drawing work...other times I need to know when to walk away and start fresh! We need a little bit of both, I think!
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