I have added another layer or two to this painting. I think that it is almost done. The darker backgraound has created that sense of intimacy I was looking for, but I feel like the skin on both girls could be warmed up a bit more.
I have been using Nupastel to define lines and highlights, and matt medium to lay in transparent glazes of colors - usually the colors are transparent themselves - such as sap green or alizarin crimson, but the last layer I was using a pinkish magenta and a baby blue to create the lavender, which was more opaque, even with the medium mixed in.
All of the texture of the original gessoed layer still shows thru - even more so now that some of the glaze has settled into the crevices. I think it's almost done!
See gesture drawings from this session here
And the previous stages of the painting here
WOW! This is so much more dramatic than the last pictures of it. Very, very nice. I just got introduced to NuPastels and they are great (not my strength at all, but awesome).
Thank you for sharing both your pieces and your knowledge. I really enjoy your blog.
I really like the atmosphere you have achieved here. You have me inspired to try a similar process.
looks great!Nice ambiance
thanks for the kind words...if I work on the skin tone I will post again :)
This is absolutely beautiful work!
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