This is very cool! A fellow Etsy seller,, has nominated my custom, modern portrait of my sister Cindy for the ULTIMATE luxury Gift! 
You can vote for my Portrait on the Etsy Community Voter - If I win, it means lots of great exposure on Etsy...and I would REALLY appreciate your support :)
Thanks again to Kristin for the nomination!
WOW! That's a really wonderful painting! Love her expression and all details... Okay, honestly... I love everything!
You deserve to win!
I just created my account there... I don't know if I'll sell my stuff on Etsy, but at least I'll use it to vote. XD
My vote is in! =)
I voted for now have 45 votes
Thank you so much for all of your votes and words :)
I vote for you with no doubts...
and in my language:
بلا شك أنا بصوتلك
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