My three year old Jack has loved to paint and draw for a long time now. I never make him try to draw something specific or use a certain technique - I just make materials available to him and encourage him to GO! Here he is working in what was my studio, but I guess now at the very least it's our studio!
Truly abstract! So gutsy! Picasso had said something along the lines of "spending his whole life trying to draw like a five year old"...I can see why! Oh, to go back to just creating for the love of creating...
Go, go, go! If it were only possible to keep that energy.
He'll be selling that for a million bucks, pretty soon!
How wonderful! Something to be treasured for sure! Some of my best memories are of my boys in the craft room at their easel painting away, while I attempted to make a necklace or ornament, or wreath, at the large table. One or both would always climb up and offer their help of course. Many collaborative pieces, many smiles and laughs! My babies are now over 6 feet tall (21 & 25), yet it seems like yesterday.
It's nice that you can share your studio and even nicer that you have pictures of the young artist! Keep on encouraging that expression!
How adorable!!
That is precious!
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