One of the characters, Cecil, is a back man. And by back man I mean he loves to draw the backs of the female nudes. So often he makes a request for a back pose, or you see him scurry from one side of the room to the other because the models' pose has a lovely back view on the other side of the room!
Last night our lovely model struck this gorgeous pose, and the lighting and gesture just made for a wonderful figure drawing of the back, and of course thrilled Cecil!
The rest of us adored this pose as well - and asked for a variation of it for our long drawing. My first figure drawing was on a grey pastel board. I used a wash of white watercolor to lay out the light, then continued with charcoal.

Beautiful! The model was captured perfectly.
GORGEOUS!! as I said on twitter!
Hello. I just found your wonderful blog. Youre work is wonderful. Im asking if you can help a begginer with drawing the figure is there books, videos that you can recommend on how to get started. No classes where I live either.
Thank-you again
Hi Linda,
I am so glad you enjoyed my blog and I am very excited that you are interested in drawing the figure. I have discussed a couple of my favorite drawing books here
I also suggest buying a skull
If you can't find classes, try to find a figure drawing group - search on-line for artists in your area who may run groups out of their studios. Our local gallery has just started offering figure drawing open studios once a month. You may also check local colleges/universities to see if they offer any evening sessions of drawing from the live model - quite often these are open to more than just students.
I wish you alot of luck! There is so much amazing figurative art out there, and I hope you find enjoyment in creating your own!
If you have any other questions, please contact me again - I'd be glad to help!
Wow... this is so very nice! I wonder.. why is nude figure drawing so much more common then clothed? Seriously.. I am not trying to be funny :0)
Cherie - I think it's a case of "if you drive a red car, all you see is red cars" I like nudes, so I draw nudes and share other nude drawings and paintings. But I think clothed figures are equally popular - such as the art of Pino. :)
These are beautifully rendered!
the backside of women is a definite fav - so many great curves of bone, muscle and yes, fatty deposits, make that view a challenge to draw...
by the way, did you "do" your hydrangeas with your pastels, talented lady?
hi deborah! No I have not drawn any hydrangeas! I really should - I have some beautiful lilac lace caps blooming, as well as a big purple-pink fluffy one. My neighbor has those gorgeous Nikko blue ones in her yard...I may have to bring her some cookies and distract her while I snip a few...accross the street another neighbor has a bush that is the DEEPEST most gorgeous purple ever! I should go around taking pictures!
really think you should do so - i believe flowers done in your style would do superb on etsy.
i have some nice photos of irises that i think you would intrepret well - if you need them.
do it lady! would love to see your work in pastels transferred to flowers - i am sure the work would capture the "expression" of flowers!
C'mon Kristina. Let's call a space a spade - Cecil is an "assman". You know it, I know it.
Seriously, great work. I do a bit of figure modeling here and there and I notice you seem to think all of your models are awesome. Are you serious? I'd be interested in hearing what you think makes an awesome model.
By the way, I am from Buffalo too. Live in the DC area now.
Take care.
Epsilon...ROFLMAO! I was SO tempted to use those very words...yes, you called it.
I think there are many aspects of a great model, the first few off the top of my head - has a good variety of poses, has great stage presence, takes the artist's ideas into account but also brings suggestions to the floor, punctuality is also a huge plus!
There's so much more I could say...I've worked with a broad range of models in shape, size, and even level of professionalism over the years - this question may deserve a longer answer in a blog post :)
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