Our nude model for figure drawing last night was beyond fantastic...she not only does amazing poses, but she holds them SO WELL! She brought some very elegant black gloves and sexy black heels to wear, and our long pose caught her in a moment where she was removing her second glove. She held her pose for almost 2 hours (with breaks...we're not monsters!) and I can only imagine how sore her shoulders were!

I had actually started drawing with light grey chalk on a grey mat board, but I didn't like the look of it - it wasn't feminine enough. So I switched to white drawing paper and a lilac pastel pencil, andit felt much more feminine. I love the curve of her waiste, and the implied nudity, only showing a hint of the bottom of her breast. I also like that this tells the story of a moment, not necessarily a pose.

As usual...I had to let out some pent up energy and grabbed my nupastels and colorfix paper! This is a 9" x 12" sheet of brick red, and I used a light and dark turquoise, yellow ochre, and a couple different oranges for the drawing.

One more break, one last drawing before the night was thru! I switched to the other side of the room and worked on a light yellow piece of colorfix paper. I tried to layer a bit more on this one - line over line, color over color. Some of the color combinations are really nice - I love the lilac, fuscia and lime green under the leg on the right.
These smaller pastels are so much fun!
Your drawings have such graceful, fluid lines. How lucky to have such great models and opportunities to create from life!
Wow, that is an amazing drawing. I love it.
i do love it when you use the nupastels and "go for it"...
have you ever done "just" drapery for drawings?
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