This is drawn on a grey pastel board (a pre-made gessoed board that has the texture of a very fine sand-paper) I started sketching the figure in with a soft grey and then slowly added the dark shadows and hi-lights.
It's always fun to draw with an audience and hear the comments as I work!
I would be happy to add your figure drawing workshops to my directory. Please see submission guidelines: http://www.artmodelbook.com/figure-drawing-directory.htm
Where do you teach in Woodstock? I live in Canton...(www.themindofmcalister.blogspot.com)
Hi Jeremy, we will be drawing at Ann Litrel's studio in Woodstock. I have just added a new post with our schedule and list of models. If you have any other questions, please post your e-mail and I would be happy to send you more info!
This is an amazing drawing... I love the look of the model with the hat and sexy dress!
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