Every once in a while I'll think back on certain classes, teachers, models, and fellow artists that I have worked with in the past. One model that has reached "legendary status" is Floyd. He modeled for figure drawing classes at UB and Buffalo state. In fact, if you talked to any art student in Western New York, chances are you could say "have you ever drawn Floyd?" and they would answer "yes!" and an enthusiastic conversation would
ensue - his crazy poses, the elaborate stories of his background and how he came to be a figure model, etc.

But he was incredible. He had a pose we called "tripod" (get your mind out of the gutter). He would lean back on two hands, and support himself on one leg, while the other leg was up in the air. His butt was lifted off the ground. He could support himself in this suspended position for like 5 minutes. It was crazy.
I'd love to hear from artists in Buffalo and around that area if Floyd is still working the modeling circuit...inspiring future generations of artists...
These drawings all date from 1995-1997 I believe...proof i never throw anything away (much to my hubby's dismay)

Apparently Floyd never made it as far as Binghamton (where I was in school from '92-'96). We had our own (annoying) version of Floyd though. Beautiful drawings too!
I find it amusing that you painted the body builder and then put up Floyd the next blog.....what IS going through your mind? Oh, its your Monday pledge day....
I recieved my skull at work today and we spent the afternoon making him sing! Pathetic! He has been dubbed Yurik, as in "Alas,poor Yuric! I knew him well!" Hamlet
Hi Studiovirgo! There's one in every area isn't there...the model whose reputation precedes them!
Pegi...you are too funny! I didn't notice the irony of the variety in my male models!!! And you are correct...it IS Monday...
I hereby declare my undying love for my hubby!!!
I'm excited that you have a skull!!! (don't take that line out of context) I hope you will share your sketches with me! I am very excited for you as you keep working on your art.
I never drew floyd but I have a similar story of a man with crazy positions in my life drawing class in college. I happened to be in the right spot(or very wrong) when he bent over on his little stage for his "creative" still postion and I got to see parts of him I don't think even he had ever seen.
i have never drawen floyd.those we beautiful drawings.inever throw any of my old drawings away either my hubby hates it too
It's interesting I read this with great interest. I am at student at Academy of Art University in San Francisco and we have someone like Floyd but his name is actually Floyd. Very much the same story. I didn't draw him but sculpted him for my figure modeling class.
I think it's funny/wonderful that as artists we all have such similar experiences! Thank you for sharing :)
Floyd, yes he is still modeling. I am currently an art student at Daemen College. He is.... interesting.
I am just reading Buffalo Lockjaw, and the interviewed him, so I googled his name and decided to comment on your post. I am at work and VERY bored, hence why I google names of men I have only seen naked. Lol.
I have drawn him before, but he kept moving and answering his cell.
Anyway, hello from Buffalo. I am sure you found this all quite interesting and weird.
I'm sorry to report that Floyd who is commemorated here on your site has passed away. Around the 1st of February I believe. He had continued to do 2 or 3 sessions a semester at Daemen until the end.
I am also a Floyd.., who is an art model in WNY.., for going on 15 years now.
Can you believe there are two Floyd's..? :) Not to mention the Floyd in the comments who is San Francisco. Where I've been too.
Here we we're called Floyd 1 and Floyd 2, short Floyd and tall Floyd, or old Floyd and young Floyd. I'm 71. lol
I've also modeled for U.B. and Daemen, and still do at Daemen. I love the place.
In fact old Floyd and I posed together for an art class one time. There was a error in scheduling and we were both given the same day.
So Dennis kept us both. :)
You have a wonderful site here Kristina. I'm also an artist.., but now I'm wondering about that.
Thank you so much for letting me know. I really look back at the experience with great humor and also a lot of respect for Floyd.
I so appreciate every model I have ever worked with.
Be well! (and HOORAY for modeling :)
Floyd was one of the last male models I drew before arthritis started gnawing away at my fingers and sometimes making it impossible to hold a pen. That was a few years ago at an open figure drawing session at the UB North Campus. I knew he was at Daemen as well
He projected pride in his stature as evidenced in your drawings of him. He was one of the few I recall who had a good sense of humor as well. RIP Floyd!
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