It was a bitter-sweet evening of drawing from the live model on Wednesday. Wonderful drawing from the lovely Miss I, and we got to celebrate Shane's birthday early with the best ever chocolate cake, but it was also our last drawing session of the summer. The GA heat really permeates the studio! Hopefully summer will go quickly :)

Since I had done two drawings of the full figure last week, I decided to focus on a portrait of her face, because, well, she's gorgeous! I worked with Nupastels on a purple piece of COlorfix paper. I started with a lot of dramatic color - fuscias, bright blues and turquoise, intense orange, and slowly added peaches and creams and whites and olives. 

I loved the red scarf, the drop earring, the shape of the shadow on her shoulder. It was nice to work on one section, the face and neck, for the full session. I felt that I was really seeing a lot of information. Can't wait for summer to be over!
Oh, I LOVE the colors in this!!!It's one of your best yet!!
great work!
Absolutely gorgeous! Very sensitive and you are an expert at turning the planes with vibrant color. Love it!
Thank you for the kind words! (HI Pegi! I've missed you :)
Kimber - there were so mnay subtle, beautiful changes in the lighting and color on her face..the more I looked the more I saw...the more I saw the more I added...it was hard to stop, step back, and really see the form
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