The second angel painting is coming along! I still have to work on her face, and the leg is feeling a little large compared to her torso/arm, so I will play with that a bit more. I also want to work on the value range - while the black shadows do "pop" right not, I feel like there could be more variety within the shadows - lighten them up a bit.
Up until now, I haven't been looking at both of the paintings together. I didn't want to try and "copy" what I did in the first painting - just let the second angel happen on it's own. But I want to make sure they work well together as a series, so I put them side-by-side to see what could be done to accomplish that. One thing I've noticed - I like the angel wings in the painting on the right - they feel like they are developed to the same level as the body/folds, where the angel wings in the painting on the left feel different. I think I will go back and define the angel wings a little bit more.
The angel on the left is entitled Hope - and this quote sums up the feel of the piece
“Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow them.”
Louisa May Alcott.
I think the 2nd angel will be titled "Compassion" - any ideas for a good quote to go with it?
Your work is amazing! Beautiful angels. Here's a quote I love:
"Have you had a kindness shown? Pass it on; ‘Twas not given for thee alone, Pass it on; Let it travel down the years, Let it wipe another’s tears, Till in Heaven the deed appears, Pass it on."
Henry Burton
These are so fabulous! Your work is inspirational! I'm so glad I purchased a print at least.
Jessie...that quote brings tears to my eyes! I really love it....and I think it captures the sentiment beautifully!
Pam my friend...it is not in "the least" - your kind words about my work mean "the most" :)
Breathtaking, Krystyna. I'm so awed by these. What a talent you have! Yes, Jessie's quote is perfectly fitting.
simply fabulous!
HI!! I've been looking at the 2 for a while now. They are so beautiful! What I'm noticing is that the second one is "sharper", the drapery is "crisper" and the wing are more sharpley defined. The first angel is softer and seems to have more and a lighter feeling drapery. I'm curios what your moods were as you worked on each one? It's interesting to compare them, the first seems gentler and the second ,stronger. I know what I'm know what I'm trying to say but it's really not coming out well at all!! Sorry!! But, each is beautiful. I really do wonder what your moods were each day.:>
I am speechless. You have AWESOME talent Krystyna...what a feast for the eyes! The pair are incredible.
I just can't believe what I see when I admire your art...
Bren and Artsnark...Thank you kindly!
Pegi...I can't recall "feeling" different while painting each one. I know that I was energized - excited! - about the challenge and enjoying the process. You are correct about the feel of each, though!
Donna B - thanks for the compliments! I appreciate you looking!
Lovely work - very fun to see it in progress!
"Faith, Hope, and Charity" and the greatest of these is Charity/Love/Compassion
I like the leg on the right. (erotic is never wrong in a work of art) I agree with your observations(only as a potential client = I am a retired courtroom lawyer, not a traditional artist)
I knew an accomplished (relaxed and easy going- he made friends with Michelle Pfiffer when she visited his gallery-Yes)male artist on Canyon Road in Santa Fe who loved to paint "Puti" - his form of angels - I think they are Italian so you probably know them.
Santa Fe is the most cosmopolitan little city on earth.
But Hawaii is Paradise.
I am looking forward to the visit by you and your family.
Miracles are always Perfect.
One world - thank you for your kind comment and support! I think your comments reflect your thoughtful and curious nature, both of which must have served you well in the courtrom.
My husband and I visited Hawaii and Kawaii back in 2003. Someday, I'd love to bring our children.
Have just come across these and was blown away, look amazing, one question though, what is the angel on the left holding, can't make out the top of it?
- UK fan
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