Drastic changes were made in the hair department! My friend Katie works at a hair salon and needed some "test heads" for some new coloring techniques. Being a
SAHM who hadn't had a good haircut in 4 months I screamed ME ME ME ME until she conceded (let's just say I was a good "before" case!)
So above is the day of the cut! And here is the day after - little more flippy and you can see all the red! It's a big change from the shoulder-length brown mop I was

I can't believe I haven't added new art lately...I shall do that next :)
I'm lovin' the hair! Ya look like Alice from Twilight :D It's so fun!
~Stacey (CreaShines)
You look beautiful and happy as a red head :) nice cut and style :)
I love them both! The red is beautiful!!
Looking good... SAHM - "Stay At Home Mom" or "Sexy And Hot Mama"? ;)
Very cute do...I like it and YES, you are vivacious! Love, love, love your work and talent...
Epsilon71 is the winner - I love the new meaning of SAHM! (Just kidding...thank you all for the nice comments :)
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