Worked on the angel painting some more! I had to force myself to deal with some scale issues on the angel's left hand, and I have been glazing some more colors into the drapery shadows (I used a mix of black, red and copper in the glaze - it looks very cool!)

And when I am happy with everything...I will post the WHOLE thing :)
It shows depth and strength. I love it! Right about now I'd be getting really afraid to touch it!! So, you go , girl!!
I really like how the clothing fabric is looking
OMG!!! Bowl me OVER! I can't stand how talented you are!!! It is so POWERFUL! It looks like a statue by Da Vinci, for Pete's sake...Have you seen the latest issue of the SMITHONIAN magazine? I may have to post it...the folds on the Angel's garment are insane it is so good! Absolutely GORGEOUS!!! I CAN NOT WAIT to see the finale.
Hi Pegi - I didn't touch it too much more...just a little bit :)
Thank you Kulia, I'm glad you like it!
Hi Donna...you make me laugh :) I'm so glad you like the drapery. There were moments painting the drapery that reminded me of WHY I like to paint - it's those magic moments where one extra highlight, one shape of a shadow, sometimes just the touch of your brush CREATES something. Forms a fold. Builds a finger. I love those moments.
Your work is so moving, I absolutely love it!
Sweet! Coming along nicely
Absolutely magnificent, I love your work, I have a passion for drawings.
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