Monday, July 13, 2009

New Charcoal Figure Drawings from the Female Nude Model

These figure drawings were also completed Saturday night at the drawing session at the MCMA. The pose above was deceptively simple at first. Just the shape of her back. However, the more i studied it the more information i found in the shapes of her hips and along her spine. The light was just right, showing the hunch of her posture as she leaned a little bit forward. I really like the combination of the simple pose with complex shadows.
And on the other end of the spectrum...from my side of the room this was a very complex pose! Not only was she laying down, but she had pillows propping up her mid-section (which gave a gorgeous view from the back!) I found the fore-shortening in this figure drawing very challenging, but I think I managed to capture the majority of the information.


twiddletoes said...

Lovely. It looks like an excellent job, to me! :)

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful! Wish I could draw *sigh*

pegi said...

There's something about black and white that just thrills me! The bottom one is amazing! The area around the face and hair is just enough, perfect!

Bethany said...

You have such wonderful line work in these! You have such a perfect grasp of the figure... foreshortened or not! I wish you could teach me!!!

Krystyna81 said...

Thank you for all the kind words! I will have to start considering teaching on-line to all of you fabulous blog readers :)

pegi said...

Oh,that would be soooooo very super!! I was going to ask you if you've ever thought of teaching online!! I'd love to be your student!


Oh what talent!!

Lorna Smith said...

Really lovely...I love tricky poses. Makes it that more interesting. Love the pastel drawings in your previous post. L x

Beth Howard said...

The Manic Monday blog feature with your blog and shop is up and running! :)

Tati Viana said...

Hi Krystyna! You have a beautiful job in your blog, and also a cute boy!

I'm a brazilian illustrator, from a small city, and I'm missing this kind of experience... Have a model posing and make sketches. At least I have some magazines, and I get photos on internet. Sometimes I go out and watch people... :P But I really need something more real.

Well... Amazing stuff!


Krystyna81 said...

Lorna and artisanne - thank you!

Beth - wonderful blog feature - thank you so much!

Tati - I hiope you have a chance to draw from the model again - we are on a break for the summer and I miss it! I know how you feel!

Poison_Ivy said...

Hello, Kristina! I'm so glad i discovered your blog; i believe your drawings and paintings are wonderful and you are an artist indeed.
Drawind is one of my passions too, but it's just something i do in my spare time and i am far from the level i'd like to reach.
I was looking for guidance and i am sure i could learn lots of things from you.
Keep up the good work!