Morning Glories are one of my favorite flowers. I started growing them every year from seeds about 8 yrs ago when we lived in Poquoson, VA. Even though they are considered annuals, mine would come back every year! They covered the entire trellis with lovely blue flowers, facing the morning sun, shrinking away quickly if rain was approaching...
This year, much to my dismay, all of the seeds that I started indoors got moldy and didn't survive. It happenend to my neighbor's starter plants, too. We don't know why! I was so sad at the thought of no Morning Glories to say hi to every day.
Then about a week ago I noticed a few lonely leaves popping up from the planter. Soon, it became a vine...and it crawled ever so quickly up the trellis towards the sun! Oh yes! A morning glory vine came back!
Now, as if that wasn't cause enough for a celebration, the flowers were not the pretty blue I always planted...but a deep purple with a fuscia star in the middle!!! That color NEVER grew for me! The blues always took over!
Now I am enjoying these gorgeous flowers every morning...
My point is, and I do have one, is that this morning glory seems to be a metaphor for many things in my life. Cultivating a relationship with my husband, friends, and neighbors, raising my children, building my art business on-line...the results aren't always immediate, or even what I planned, but sometimes, a seed that I planted long ago suddenly begins to thrive.
My hope is that you are finding surprising and joyful moments in the things you are cultivating your life. The rewards may not always come quickly, or even be the results you planned, but you never know what seeds of potential you planted log ago may suddenly begin to grow.