Saturday, March 7, 2009

Green Tea Mojitos Recipe...Yum

Green Tea Mojitos - Pretty simple drink.
10 limes
½ cup mint leaves
2 cups green tea
1 cup simple syrup
Dark rum to taste

From the Creator of this fabulous drink and the Fearless Leader of "Is White a Color?"...

I have used a variety of green teas for this recipe, one that was carbonated which was good. Arizona Green Tea works well. Taste for sweetness before adding simple sugar.

Start by stripping leaves from the mint and set aside. Throw the rest of the mint, stems and all, into a blender with the green tea Strain through chinoise or fine mesh strainer.

Combine equal parts sugar and water in a small pot and heat to dissolve sugar then Add mint leaves (muddle optionally but mint flavor should be pretty strong).Add ice.Squeeze limes and add juice.Add rum and guard with your life. (he's serious about that last part!)

Goes EXCELLENT with Jalapeno Cheese Dip...


Marie said...

mmm I'll have to try ;-)
Have you ever tasted raspberry mojitos? Nice too ;-)

Kellybot said...

Sounds delish!

Tina said...

How many servings does your recipe make? I'm guessing 10, but wasn't sure.